Name:EVO 2 extended holding and anchoring kit
Model:EVO 2

Product Description

EVO is a universal fixturing system that can handle every imaginable anchoring and holding situation. EVO is a system in three parts with few components and where each component can be assembled with the others in a multitude of conffgurations.

Equiping your frame straightening machine with our EVO universal fixture kits will bring you more new possibilities for your auto body repairs.

EVO 2 Extended holding and anchoring system

EVO 2 provides additional equipment that compliments EVO 1. EVO 2 comes with special tools for rear-axle bracket, torque bar extensions and adjustable holders. EVO 2 allows you to more easily tackle advanced repairs by providing additional equipment for anchoring, holding and side support.

DEVO 2.png


• Two extra towers and track plates

• Special tools for rear axle bracket

• Torque bar extensions and adjustable holders

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