Different types of auto body frame machine

What's auto body frame machine?
With the development of society, travelling by car is becoming more and more popular. Each family has one car at least now. It is not avoided that there are many car accidents in the world every day. Among them, Frame damage is quite common, it occurs in roughly 50 percent of all auto accidents or collisions. When the damage to cars goes deeper than dings and dents on the surface. In that case, you have to come to collision repair shop. A professional technician who understands frame repair can bring your vehicle back to its pre-collision safety standards with the help of frame machine. Auto body frame machine is one auto body collision repair equipment that help restore the frame and chassis to its original shape quickly, easily and safely to meet factory specification through frame straightening.
Before talking about frame machine, let's take a look at a frame.
What is frame in the auto world?
Frame is also known as the chassis in the auto world, a car's frame is an entirely structure bound component of your car. It holds the body and all other components of your vehicle together and in ship-shape condition, so it doesn't fall to pieces with a bit of speed. Plus, it's attached to a few major components such as the engine and suspension.
But there are various different types of frame designs out there. And knowing which one is holding up your vehicle will help you when choosing the right auto collision repair center for your frame repair.
The three major types of frame designs are:
• Body-on-Frame or Ladder Frames: These are stand-alone frames and are generally used for trucks, large SUVs, vans and antique cars.
• Unibody: This is when a vehicle's body and frame are welded as one and are used on most modern cars, minivans and crossovers.
• Spaceframe: These are a type of Unibody but have a higher structure strength for speed and are used in high-end luxury cars like Jaguars and Saturns.
You can see frame is one important component in a car. Once impact damage to your vehicle pushes the frame out of alignment, frame repair is required. Your car must be sent to collision repair shop. Frame machine is an essential auto body shop equipment that secure vehicles during collision repairs, providing a stable platform for frame straightening and other structural adjustments. Also known as an auto repair bench or frame rack, these machines are equipped with hydraulics or other mechanisms, which enable technicians to work on vehicles that have sustained structural damage, ensuring effective repairs.
Different types of body frame machine
Auto body frame machine can be divided into 3 types according to its appearance and structure, that is auto body frame racks, auto body repair benches, floor pulling system.
Auto body frame racks: it provides a big platform made of Q345 manganese steel integral plate with dimension of 5600*2260*500mm6000*2260*600mm. The platform can be tilt or raise controlled by hydraulic ram and pump. It provides a firm and high working platform for the pulling tower and main fixture, which can meet the collision repair of vehicles of all sizes. The patented platform structure that combines gridded rectangular holes with cross holes can quickly assist in vehicle fixturing, and provides a stage with expandable functions for vehicle repair.
Auto body repair benches: it can be classified hydraulic repair benches and pneumatic repair benches based on their drive system. The benches can be installed either under the ground to be level with ground or on the ground with lowest height 120mm for cars drive-on or drive-off conveniently. It not only acts as a car lift but also as straightening equipment. Hydraulic Repair Benches is a popular choice in collision repair shops because of their precision and versatility. These auto repair benches use hydraulic cylinders and pumps to lift, lower, and position vehicles, allowing technicians to make accurate adjustments. Pneumatic Repair Benches use air pressure to lift and move the car. They are versatile and provide a cost-effective solution for an auto body shop.
Floor straightening system: it is composed of modular rails built into the floor, or anchor pots built into the floor. Mobile, powerful and compact pulling towers are equipped and can be quickly adjusted to different heights and is supplied with a remote control to ease the operations. It can be adapted to various workshops. The floor straightening system features taking less body shop space, saving time of vehicle drive-on and drive-off and positioning on frame racks or benches, as well as less investment.